Monitoring framework
UNICEF and UNFPA, Ethiopia; Monitoring framework for rights-based approach to adolescent and youth development (October 2019- July 2019):
The Joint Programme (JP) “A rights-based approach to adolescents and youth development in Ethiopia” aimed to contribute to improved development of adolescents and young people by promoting rights relating to HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, and sustainable livelihoods. The JP was implemented over the period 2007 to 2013 in 25 target woredas of five regions of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa, Afar, Amhara, Oromia, and SNNPR). These regions covered 23 million adolescents and young people, and the programme woredas included 12 public universities and HIV “hotspots”. A major component of the JP was to support the Government of Ethiopia to build sustainable M&E capacity on the rights-based approach to adolescent and youth development. ABH had supported the M&E framework implementation of this JP.
End of Project Evaluation
Within the framework of the Strategy for Strengthening the Supply Chain for vaccines in Ethiopia,
Evaluation of the Infant and Young Child Feeding
The evaluation was conducted to design and deliver future IYCF programming in
Finalising the SBC Training Package
UNICEF supports several programmes led by the Government of Ethiopia in the
Rapid assessment
The overall objective of this study was to assess the quality of per-service education of health&
Mid-term evaluation
The evaluation aimed to explore the extent to which the activity’s investments