Dr Tadele has extensive experience, spanning over 29 years in leading and managing diverse health and nutrition programs in Ethiopia. He is an accomplished public health leader, technical expert, educator/trainer, researcher, and a consultant with a sound understanding of diverse issues in the health and nutrition sector in Ethiopia. he successfully led RMNCAH-Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Health Systems Strengthening (HSS), Health Workforce Development & Improvement, Healthcare Quality, and Blindness Prevention programs providing effective leadership and strategic thinking around program directions while working for a donor – Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), and international organizations like FHI-360, Jhpiego, JSI, and Orbis International. He has full-time and adjunct teaching experience at Addis Ababa and Jimma universities and Sante Medical College, with the rank of Assistant Professor of Public Health. He provided clinical services during the early years of his professional career in remote and rural settings in Southern Ethiopia.

Dr. Tadele led the development of a national training package for healthcare workers in nutrition; supported the GOE in achieving core targets and objectives of the National Food and Nutrition Strategy, supporting the Amhara Region towards strengthening health workers' skills in nutrition, immunization, and IMNCI; and led introduction of the first-generation healthcare financing reforms in the region; led a voluntary medical male circumcision program in Gambella Region so that over 130,000 adult males received safe and high-quality circumcision services thereby benefiting from the procedure’s protective benefit against HIV; led the establishment of 26 blood transfusion centers strategically located throughout Ethiopia to facilitate the safety and adequacy of transfused blood and blood products; led the establishment of the first Eye Bank in the premise of Menelik II Hospital; led the first mass treatment campaign for trachoma with Zithromax for 200,000 residents in Gurage Zone.